Thank you very much for the comments for my Blog.
As I had seen many comments, Rezista had cheated people and receive the money and never send the vehicle..... it seems that this is what they are doing...... and, as I got the information from Mr. Kamijyo Ryota, that company Rezista is becoming Bankrupt..... but, it seems that they are still trying to get the money, even they can not ship the vehicle........ It is illegal and not acceptable.....
This is the President of Rezista Inc.

Name: Ryota Kamijyo
Interests: guitar,fishing,golf
Please if the people seeing this Blog. Please send more information about this company "" Rezista "". and send the comments of LOSS.
I hope these information will be increased, then we can give that information to the Government or Police or Interpol.
Please Subscriber, show this Blog to the people and get the information about Rezista Inc. I trust that these information will solve this problem.
Thank you very much.