The Aichi Prefectural Police and its International Investigation Department in Nagoya city, has arrested Mr. Inoue (age 32), and three others, on suspicion of fraud for false advertising of automobile sales via overseas websites. Others arrested were Yoshihisa Yamatani, Company Executive (47), Hidetoshi Yamashita, self employed (37) and Keiko Miyazaki, part timer (36).
It is alleged that in early October 2009, they conspired to advertise the sale of used cars on a website in English without actually owning the vehicles, nor the intention of purchasing such vehicles. A 40 year old male civil servant from Uganda was tricked into transferring the sum of 330,000 Japanese Yen into their bank account.
The four people posted a website under the name of Dream Stock Trade (DST) via the website portal Tradecarview in August, 2009. Over a 2 month period up to October, they displayed over 240 vehicles as DST stock, despite not owning more than 10 vehicles under their own name, and with no export trade experience. There were 70 complaints from 17 countries as a result of deals made through the DST website over non-receipt of vehicles delivered, totaling about 22,000,000 Japanese Yen.
Furthermore, the prefecture police believe these four people arrested are involved with another two companies using the same portal website, other than DST, which have received over 40 complaints totaling 20,000,000 Japanese yen.
The above article was posted in the Chunichi Newspaper in Japan on May 19th, 2011. The original article appeared in Japanese as follows:
千代田5、無職井上大之容疑者(32)ら4人を逮捕した。ほかに逮捕されたのは、同市中区丸の内2、会社役員山谷良久(47)、同 県小牧市弥生町、自営業山下英利(37)、名古屋市東区東桜2、アルバイト宮崎敬子(36)の3容疑者。
逮捕容疑では昨年10月初め、実際は所有せず、入手する予定もない中古車を売るとうその広告を英語でウェブサイトに掲載。東アフリ カのウガンダの男性公務員(40)に代金を銀行口座に送金させ、日本円で33万円をだまし取ったとされる。
4人は昨年8月、ウェブサイト「トレードカービュー」に「ドリームストックトレード(DST)」の業者名で加盟。10月までの2カ 月間に中古車240台の広告を掲載したがどの車もDST名義ではなく、輸出実績もなかった。DSTをめぐり、サイト運営会社に「購入 した車が届かない」との苦情が17カ国から七十数件寄せられ、金額は計2200万円に上るという。
さらに、運営会社にはDST以外の愛知県内2業者への苦情も四十数件寄せられ、金額は計2千万円に上る。県警は、この2業者にも4 人が関与しているとみて調べている。
The four people posted a website under the name of Dream Stock Trade (DST) via the website portal Tradecarview in August, 2009. Over a 2 month period up to October, they displayed over 240 vehicles as DST stock, despite not owning more than 10 vehicles under their own name, and with no export trade experience. There were 70 complaints from 17 countries as a result of deals made through the DST website over non-receipt of vehicles delivered, totaling about 22,000,000 Japanese Yen.
Furthermore, the prefecture police believe these four people arrested are involved with another two companies using the same portal website, other than DST, which have received over 40 complaints totaling 20,000,000 Japanese yen.
The above article was posted in the Chunichi Newspaper in Japan on May 19th, 2011. The original article appeared in Japanese as follows:
千代田5、無職井上大之容疑者(32)ら4人を逮捕した。ほかに逮捕されたのは、同市中区丸の内2、会社役員山谷良久(47)、同 県小牧市弥生町、自営業山下英利(37)、名古屋市東区東桜2、アルバイト宮崎敬子(36)の3容疑者。
逮捕容疑では昨年10月初め、実際は所有せず、入手する予定もない中古車を売るとうその広告を英語でウェブサイトに掲載。東アフリ カのウガンダの男性公務員(40)に代金を銀行口座に送金させ、日本円で33万円をだまし取ったとされる。
4人は昨年8月、ウェブサイト「トレードカービュー」に「ドリームストックトレード(DST)」の業者名で加盟。10月までの2カ 月間に中古車240台の広告を掲載したがどの車もDST名義ではなく、輸出実績もなかった。DSTをめぐり、サイト運営会社に「購入 した車が届かない」との苦情が17カ国から七十数件寄せられ、金額は計2200万円に上るという。
さらに、運営会社にはDST以外の愛知県内2業者への苦情も四十数件寄せられ、金額は計2千万円に上る。県警は、この2業者にも4 人が関与しているとみて調べている。
its really sad that these things are happening in Japan. Can the police in japan take a similar actions agains REZISTA which is currently the largest fraudster company in the world, with their president Ryoata and crook engineer Arakawa for the theft of millions of Dollars from the Zambian citizens
ReplyDeletePlease, please people in Tanzani have lost thousands of US dollars because of these two crooks Arakawa and Kemijo Ryota, they case from innocent citizen with no remose at all. Can some help on how to move forward? How many people will have to suffer for this REZISTA Company? If they come to Tanzania, people will eat them alive.